Dew Drops


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One spring day, as I walked through a flower nursery looking for perennials for my outdoor pots, I came across an unexpected find: a package of seeds with the image of a delicate white five-petal flower. I felt compelled to turn this seed photo into a painting because of the intricate twists and turns of the petals and their captivating shadows. Dew Drops Dawning Art is a testament to the transformative power of nature’s inspiration. As a result, this art was created. I enhanced the flower’s ethereal appeal by surrounding it with abstract leaves and morning dew drops, giving the original image more depth. This painting is something beyond a portrayal of a seed photograph; it’s a festival of the excellence found in surprising spots and the imaginative excursion that follows. The essence of springtime rejuvenation and the endless possibilities that blossom with each new discovery are captured in Dew Drops Dawning Art.

Disclaimer: The prices are inclusive of the shipping rates

Note: Any painting print available on paper or canvas in various sizes.

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